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Biodiversity Net Gain: information for landowners

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an exciting way to harness new long-term financial opportunities whilst also contributing to nature recovery. We want to build a relationship with future-focused landowners who are interested in helping us bring back wildflowers while also creating greater environmental and economic resilience in their assets and income.

We are particularly looking for landowners with marginal land, low-yield arable land, modified grassland, and areas that form part of local nature recovery networks, but other options will also be considered. 

A partnership with the Eden Project Wildflower Bank is based on a basic payment for the lease of land, habitat management and potential seed harvest. Other payments may also be eligible depending on land type and situation.

Get in touch with our team to find out more.  

What does a BNG partnership with the Eden Project Wildflower Bank involve?

A partnership with the Eden Project Wildflower Bank is based on payment for the lease of land for a period of 30 years to create or enhance a wildflower-rich grassland habitat and payment for land management services to maintain the habitat. 

We will provide all the knowledge to meet the requirements for generating BNG such as: the baseline assessment to calculate potential BNG; the methodologies for creating or enhancing the right kind of wildflower grassland habitat in the right place; the management plans to maintain it, and all the monitoring and evaluation required to ensure the target habitat is achieved and satisfies legal requirements. 


How does BNG work alongside other types of land-use income streams? 

Wildflower-rich grasslands work particularly well alongside ecotourism activities by providing beauty and interest. These habitats can provide valuable sources of hay for cattle grazing and can also work well alongside or integrated with solar farms on a long-term lease. They also support large numbers of pollinating insects that are essential for food growers and work well as part of a mosaic of green infrastructure within the public realm.

Is there a minimum land size? 

We are particularly looking for sites with a minimum area of 5 hectares to develop BNG, though smaller areas may be considered if they are strategically sited.

What kind of landowner partnerships are you looking for? 

We are looking for long-term lease arrangements for 30 years rather than ownership. 

Who will cover the cost of creating or enhancing land for Biodiversity Net Gain ?

We will cover the cost of habitat creation or enhancement and pay for maintaining the habitat to a high standard over the lifetime of the BNG requirement.

What is the process/timeline for getting involved?

  • Initial contact made
  • Information on BNG possibilities shared 
  • Mapping process to compare land situation against relevant LPA, Local Plan, NR plan, Developer Demand 
  • Site visit to confirm BNG potential and check starting condition 

If suitable….

  • Habitat Condition Assessment and BNG Calculation 
  • Lease – draft, agree, issue 
  • Commercial agreement – draft, agree, issue 
  • Section 106 agreement/unilateral undertaking or conservation covenant 

Habitat Creation 

  • Sign off of works by a qualified ecologist 
  • Inspection by LPA or issue certificate of practical completion 
Veterans and volunteers plant devil's-bit scabious at the Eden Project

Get in touch

If would like to discuss your BNG potential please get in touch.

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