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A school group learning outdoors

Leaders in Outdoor Learning CPD

If you are a teacher that dreams of getting outside more with your class – in a vibrant school grounds full of inspiration and creativity – and bringing the benefits of nature back into your classroom, then this is the course for you.

Inspire and grow school leaders in outdoor learning

  • Are you a teacher searching for inspiration, ideas and confidence to teach the primary curriculum outside?
  • Are you looking for quality CPD to help you transform the culture of teaching and learning in your school to make best use of your outside and local spaces?
  • Do you want to re-think your approach to benefit the health, wellbeing and learning of the children in your class?


For participants – understand, explore, experience 

You will gain inspiration, ideas and confidence to plan and deliver playful, creative, curriculum-focussed lessons outside. You will connect, collaborate with and learn from other teachers who are working towards embedding an outdoor learning approach in their schools. You will be able to communicate the power and benefits of outdoor learning to your colleagues.

For your school – re-think and re-imagine 

In addition to the development of staff capacity, you will be invited to look at the potential of your outdoor spaces with fresh eyes to build a new whole-school approach.  

For your children – inspiration, confidence and well-being

The benefits of outdoor learning and nature-based play are well documented. We know that children are happier, healthier (physically, mentally and socially), and more successful as learners if they have regular access to nature and the outdoors.

An inspirational outdoor learning journey

This course aims to inspire leaders of outdoor learning and nature-based pedagogy. 

We will be virtual and experiential. We will balance our time exploring ideas, resources and approaches with building a strong theoretical foundation based upon current research. 

Each 2.5-hour online session will include presentation, discussion and practical activity. We will share case studies and stories – demonstrating how different settings have embedded an outdoor approach for children across year groups and seasons. At Eden, our methods are playful, linking closely to the curriculum to achieve an enquiry-based and challenge-led approach to the core subjects. The course aims to leave you with pockets full of ideas and ‘ready to go’ activities, with new confidence for planning your own curriculum-linked lessons and managing your groups safely outside. 

Between sessions, you will apply your learning to explore how these ideas work in your school.

With limited places, this course guarantees a supportive, fun and inspirational journey which includes:

  • Four half-day interactive live online video sessions in the spring term 2026
  • Three practical assignments specifically relating to the development of your own practice
  • Inspirational guest speakers from the Eden Team and beyond
  • A toolkit of ideas, activities and resources
  • One free entry to the Eden Project – for you before 31 August 2026

Practical information