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Eden Project Biome structure during construction, with rain

Our funding

None of our work and successes would be possible without the generosity of our donors and supporters.

Maintaining a strong and diverse financial base is crucial to preserving the Eden Trust’s independence and credibility.


Where has the money come from?

The Millennium Commission weighed in with £37.5 million of Lottery funding to single Eden out as the ‘landmark’ project of the far South West, and their subsequent contributions brought the total to just over £56 million. We hope we’ve delivered for them and for anyone who's ever bought a Lottery ticket.

Did you know?

Since the Eden Project opened in 2001 it has generated more than £2 billion for the regional economy.

Other major sources of funding included the EU and Southwest Regional Development Agency (some £50 million between them, including £26 million towards capital funding from the EU) and £20 million of commercial loans. The balance was made up of £8 million of other loans and some funds generated by Eden itself and reinvested back into the Project. 


What difference have we made with the money?

Eden employs circa 350 people and gives another 150 people the opportunity to volunteer. Since opening to the public in 2001, the place has attracted more than 18 million visitors and inspired an economic renaissance in Cornwall by contributing more than £1.7 billion to the local economy.

What have we spent it on?

How we built this place How much? (£ million)
Buying a large and unusual site, car parks, roads and paths 16
Reshaping the ground to make it safe, dry and useful 8
A couple of decent greenhouses 25
40 acres of plants…some tall 3
83,000 tonnes of manufactured soil to grow them in 2
A nursery to practise in and grow some unusual plants 1
Buildings for you and our team – fully equipped 22
Services to keep it all running 7
Paying the team up to opening 3
Exhibits to entertain you, walkways to keep you dry, a lift, a bridge 12
Advice on the things we couldn’t do ourselves 12
Investments in our future like the Foundation building, HQ of our charitable projects 9
A spectacular home for education – The Core 16
Warehouse, gatehouse, waste compound, Arena 4
Dreams cost money Total: 140

Many other supporters have played a vital part in our development since Eden Project opened in 2001. Thank you.

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